Remote Studying & Teaching Made Easy with CamScanner

2 min readJul 27, 2020


The 2020 new-normal can be defined as working remotely or from home, but that is not the only demographic affected as many students around the world are also in similar situations. One is left to question, how do you go from taking notes on your laptop in a classroom, to taking notes on your laptop while watching your professor on your laptop as well? It’s not as easy as it sounds.

One method which is still done by a fair number of students, but also slowly becoming a lost art, is to take handwritten notes. Utilizing your laptop in full screen while seeing your professor and the PowerPoint or whiteboard content, while using pen and paper to jot down notes seamlessly. Yet, many prefer their notes to be digitized these days…Enter CamScanner and their OCR (optical character recognition) technology which exports images to .txt files, quickly allowing you to move your notes from paper to the digital likes of Word or Notes for easy editing and storage. Additionally, you may PDF the file or leave it in .txt as well, and forward on to a classmate that may have missed that day’s lecture all directly within the app.

It is not just students that are taking advantage of CamScanner technology as teachers are getting in on the ease of use as well during these times. The book scanning function works exceptionally well allows teachers and professors to scan hard copied pages of books flawlessly converting them to a page by page PDF which can then be sent to students for reference on current topics and assignments.

Another unique feature available in the premium version that teachers use, as well as students, is the question book feature which allows you to photograph particular individual multiple-choice questions from a test or quiz, or even word questions for that matter. Combining these images into a collage simply creates your own unique quiz for practicing if you are a student, or for creating new tests from a teacher’s perspective. Check out how to use CamScanner ‘Question Book’!

These are just a few of the examples in which both students and teachers are utilizing CamScanner features to adapt to the new-norm of remote studying and teaching, yet many additional features and functions can also be utilized to enhance these experiences.




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