CamScanner Unrivaled Features in Document Scanning Efficiency | User Story

3 min readJul 23, 2020


As a sales agent whose day to day work involves strict deadlines and involves multiple parties and transactions, I was at first hesitant that my efficiency would diminish during the global pandemic. While my initial reaction was one of pessimism my feelings were quickly put to ease as I realized the inherent opportunity to utilize CamScanner more frequently and that my business would actually not be hindered and CamScanner many premium features which before utilizing CamScanner I had so painstakingly done manually every day would be solved by going digital.

As a sales agent one is inundated with documents daily, from pricing quotes to contracts and everything in between, ease of converting paper to digital for sharing and security are necessities as the industry adapts to working remotely.

One might think of CamScanner just as an application to convert a piece of paper in to a PDF and then easily share, but what is well known in my sales industry is that it’s a much more powerful tool than just that.

Some of the features to mention which can help anyone that is in the sales field are:

E-Signature: Signing off of a purchase order or a buy order is no longer done in person, or that of a contract for strategic partnership, but with the E-Signature feature in CamScanner one can easily receive the document, upload it to CamScanner and digitally drop their signature write on the document as if it were signed in person and forward it to the necessary parties right within the app.

Set PDF Password for Confidential Files: In order to ensure that the information within the file is secure, it this example it would be private price quotas that in the hands of the competitors would allow them to better position themselves, yet with CamScanner, that same file you just put your e-signature on, you can password protect it so only the necessary parties are able to access the pdf or excel file.

File Compression: Every so often you run across those large files, typically with photos in them and you may be sharing it through WhatsApp or via email, but when you go to hit to send there is a reminder that your file, in this case the contract is too big to send. With CamScanner its just another quick step in the process of selecting the file and utilizing the compression feature and you are ready to go.

Share file through encrypted url: Or maybe you don’t want to send the full file but just a link to download, in what could be looked at as a two-layer authentication, you can even ensure your password protected file link is protected as well through the encryption function within the app, along with the expiration date.

Auto Upload to other Clouds: And when it’s all said and done you will need to easily store those documents somewhere, and filing cabinets have been replaced by clouds these days, and instead of sending yourself the document and uploading, CamScanner lets you easily auto upload documents to Box, Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote and many more.

In a world that has exponentially innovated to digital as well as having transformed our sales industry and as we progress into the new remote working lifestyle, security and efficiency will be the new comparisons from competitors, and it’s applications like CamScanner that can help you set yourself apart from your competitors.

